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 年 ~ 


GPU-acceleration of locally mesh allocated Poisson solver

小野寺 直幸   ; 井戸村 泰宏   ; Ali, Y.*; 下川辺 隆史*; 青木 尊之*

Onodera, Naoyuki; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Ali, Y.*; Shimokawabe, Takashi*; Aoki, Takayuki*


We have developed the stencil-based CFD code JUPITER for simulating three-dimensional multiphase flows. A GPU-accelerated Poisson solver based on the preconditioned conjugate gradient (P-CG) method with a multigrid preconditioner was developed for the JUPITER with block-structured AMR mesh. All Poisson kernels were implemented using CUDA, and the GPU kernel function is well tuned to achieve high performance on GPU supercomputers. The developed multigrid solver shows good convergence of about 1/7 compared with the original P-CG method, and $$times$$3 speed up is achieved with strong scaling test from 8 to 216 GPUs on TSUBAME 3.0.



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