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Report No.

Development of evaluation method for photocatalytic ability by ion chromatography combined with a flow-type reactor; Application to immobilized photocatalyst materials prepared by double-layer coating method

Sugita, Tsuyoshi   ; Kobayashi, Kentaro*; Yamazaki, Taiki*; Isaka, Mayu*; Itabashi, Hideyuki*; Mori, Masanobu*

In this study, we developed an in-line photocatalytic performance evaluation system in which a flow reactor was connected to the ion chromatography to accurately evaluate the performance of the photocatalyst. This system was used to evaluate the photocatalyst supported by the two-layer support method on the substrate, such as glass beads. The performance of the photocatalyst was evaluated using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and it was possible to monitor the decomposition of DMSO by UV and the formation of by-products, such as methane sulfonate (MSO) and sulfate (SA). This system can be expected to be useful not only for evaluating the decomposition performance of an object using a photocatalyst but also for evaluating the byproducts.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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