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Report No.

Intuitive interactions for immersive data exploration of numerical simulation results

Tabata, Ginga*; Sakamoto, Naohisa*; Kawamura, Takuma 

In interactive visualization/analysis, interactive operation of visualization results on the screen is an important technology that is directly linked to knowledge extraction. On the conventional 2D display, interactive operations such as moving the viewpoint and adjusting the visualization parameters were performed using the mouse. Then, the virtual reality (VR) technology such as CAVE system and head mounted display (HMD) is used for visualization and analysis, and the development of technology for interactively operating visualization result data in VR space has become one of the important issues in the visualization field. In this paper, we propose a technique to capture a real hand gesture by Leap Motion and intuitively change the viewpoint movement and visualization parameters in VR space by HMD. We asked four people to test the developed technology, and obtained a result that it was easy to change the viewpoint from the questionnaire on the operation feeling.



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