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Performance portable implementation of a kinetic plasma simulation mini-app with a higher level abstraction and directives

Asahi, Yuichi   ; Latu, G.*; Bigot, J.*; Grandgirard, V.*

Performance portability is expected to be a critical issue in the upcoming exascale era. We explore a performance portable approach for a fusion plasma turbulence simulation code employing the kinetic model, namely the GYSELA code. For this purpose, we extract the key features of GYSELA such as the high dimensionality (more than 4D) and the semi-Lagrangian scheme, and encapsulate them into a mini-application which solves the similar but a simplified Vlasov-Poisson system as GYSELA. We implement the mini-app with OpenACC, OpenMP4.5 and Kokkos, where we suppress unnecessary duplications of code lines. Based on our experience, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of OpenACC, OpenMP4.5 and Kokkos, from the view point of performance portability, readability and productivity.



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