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Report No.

Adsorption behavior of cesium on hybrid microcapsules in spent fuel solution

Onishi, Takashi  ; Koyama, Shinichi  ; Mimura, Hitoshi*

Hybrid microcapsules (H-MCs) are being development for the column separation of Cs from high-level radioactive liquid waste (HLLW). In this paper, adsorption behavior of H-MCs has been evaluated by a batch method in single-element solution and a spent fuel solution prepared from irradiated MOX fuel. Distribution coefficients ($$K_{rm d}$$s) of various metal ion including Cs were determined for three types of H-MCs (AMP-SG (silica gel enclosing ammonium molybdophosphate), AMP-ALG (calcium alginate gel enclosing ammonium molybdophosphate) and AWP-ALG (calcium alginate gel enclosing ammonium tungstophosphate)) in the spent fuel solution. The three types of H-MCs exhibited higher $$K_{rm d}$$s for Cs than those for the other elements in spent fuel solution. The difference of $$K_{rm d}$$ for the specific element (Cs) and the other elements was larger than one order of magnitude. Therefore, chromatographic separation of Cs in the spent fuel solution using a column packed with H-MCs is promising. It was the same tendency between the spent fuel solution and the single-element solution that the $$K_{rm d}$$ value for Cs of AWP-ALG was the largest followed by that of AMP-ALG and that of AMP-SG. Thus, the mechanism of adsorption of Cs onto these H-MCs would not be changed in the presence of FPs and MAs. Therefore, these types of H-MCs can be effective for separation of Cs in the spent fuel solutions.



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