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Report No.

Investigation on sorption/diffusion behavior in normalized concrete for a simulation method of Cs penetration

Yoneyama, Kai*; Sato, Isamu*; Matsuura, Haruaki*; Koshigoe, Koki*; Miyahara, Naoya*; Kurihara, Norihiko*; Suzuki, Eriko   ; Osaka, Masahiko  

For the rational management of radioactive concrete waste generated in the decommissioning of LWR severe accident, the influence of mortar and aggregate on Cs penetration behavior based on the Cs penetration test using mortar, aggregate and concrete. While the distribution and diffusion coefficients of aggregate were smaller than that of mortar, the diffusion coefficient of concrete, which contained aggregates, was smaller than that of mortar. This result suggests that the boundary surfaces between aggregate and mortar could affect the Cs penetration behavior.



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