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 年 ~ 

Development of a flow network calculation code (FNCC) for high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs)


青木 健  ; 井坂 和義; 佐藤 博之  ; 大橋 弘史 

Aoki, Takeshi; Isaka, Kazuyoshi; Sato, Hiroyuki; Ohashi, Hirofumi


The flow distribution analysis performed in the HTGR design has to take into account the interaction thermal and radiation deformations of the graphite structure, and the gaps between the graphite structures forming unintended flow. In the present study, a user-friendly flow network calculation code (FNCC) has been developed on the basis of experiences of High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) design for HTGR design with enhanced compatibility with other HTGR design codes and with considering graphite block deformation in iteration process without manual control. The validation of FNCC was performed for the one-column flow distribution test. The analytical results using FNCC showed good agreement with the experimental results. It is concluded that FNCC was validate for the analysis of distributions of flowrate and pressure for the flow network model including the unintended flow paths in prismatic-type HTGRs.



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