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Report No.

On the phase transformation and dynamic stress-strain partitioning of ferrous medium-entropy alloy using experimentation and finite element method

Bae, J. W.*; Jung, J.*; Kim, J. G.*; Park, J. M.*; Harjo, S.   ; Kawasaki, Takuro   ; Woo, W.*; Kim, H. S.*

In the present study, an integrated experimental-numerical analysis on ferrous medium-entropy alloy (FMEA) was conducted to understand the micromechanical response of the constituent phases in the FMEA at -137$$^{circ}$$C. The initial face-centered cubic (FCC) single phase microstructure of the FMEA was transformed to body-centered cubic (BCC) martensite during tensile deformation at -137$$^{circ}$$C, resulting in improved low-temperature mechanical properties. The microstructure evolution due to deformation-induced phase transformation mechanism and strain partitioning behavior was analyzed using ${it ex situ}$ electron backscatter diffraction. The mechanical responses related to the stress partitioning between constituent phases and deformation-induced transformation rate were measured using ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction in combination with the nanoindentation analysis.



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