Environmental performance data in annual report "Japan Atomic Energy Agency 2019"
Safety and Environmental Management Section, Safety and Nuclear Security Administration Department
We have prepared Annual Report "Japan Atomic Energy Agency 2019" as a means for comprehensively reporting on the activities of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. In September, 2019 Japan Atomic Energy Agency published results of environmental activity as a part of Annual Report "Japan Atomic Energy Agency 2019" concerning the activities of FY 2018 under "Law Concerning the Promotion of Business Activities with Environmental Consideration by Specified Corporations, etc., by Facilitating Access to Environmental Information, and Other Measures". This report has been edited to show detailed environmental performance data in FY 2018 as the base of "Annual Report Japan Atomic Energy Agency 2019" and its additional information's. This report would not only ensure traceability of the data in order to enhance the reliability of the environmental report, but also make useful measures for promotion of environment-conscious activities in JAEA.