※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

花崗岩における割れ目形成過程の検討; 中部日本,土岐花崗岩を事例として

Formative process of fracture in granite; A Case study at the Toki Granite, central Japan

笹尾 英嗣   ; 湯口 貴史*; 石橋 正祐紀*

Sasao, Eiji; Yuguchi, Takashi*; Ishibashi, Masayuki*


Science Council of Japan pointed out the importance to establish the method to identify rock mass with small number of fractures. The authors examine a model to assess the number of fractures at the Toki granite, central Japan. We examined relationship between cooling process of granitic magma and fracture-forming process based on thermochronological, petrological and mineralogical data and description of fracture. We report the result so far and future issue.



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