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Report No.

Methodology for simple spot measurement of equilibrium equivalent radon concentration

Sakoda, Akihiro   ; Ishimori, Yuu  ; Kanzaki, Norie   ; Tanaka, Hiroshi 

Estimation of the effective inhalation dose of short half-life radon progeny requires the quantification of radon equilibrium equivalent activity concentrations (EEC). The aim of the present study is to develop new methodology that focuses on spot measurements to determine EEC from single gross alpha counts and determine an optimized protocol. The core of the approach is to measure alpha particles over time when the radon progeny attached to the sampling filter are significantly disintegrated. The calibration curve of single counts to EEC is theoretically deduced and validated by a comparison test. The advantage of the present method is its minimal requirements, including the use of common instruments and simple sampling, alpha counting, and analysis procedures. This approach offers an option for radon practitioners working in a variety of fields, as well as the possibility for non-experts to easily measure EEC.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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