※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Fission gas release from irradiated mixed-oxide fuel pellet during simulated reactivity-initiated accident conditions; Results of BZ-3 and BZ-4 tests

反応度事故条件下におけるMOX燃料ペレットの核分裂性ガス放出; BZ-3及びBZ-4の試験結果

垣内 一雄 ; 宇田川 豊  ; 天谷 政樹  

Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Udagawa, Yutaka; Amaya, Masaki

In order to investigate fission gas release behavior of high-burnup mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel pellet for LWR under reactivity-initiated accident (RIA), the tests called BZ-3 and BZ-4 were conducted at the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor (NSRR) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Electron probe microanalysis and rod-puncture tests were performed on the fuel pellets before and after pulse irradiation tests, and from the comparison between the puncture test results and the results evaluated from EPMA, it was suggested that fission gas release from not only the Pu-spot but also the Pu-spot-excluded region.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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