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Report No.

Estimate of economic impact of atmospheric radiation storm associated with solar energetic particle events on aircraft operations

Saito, Susumu*; Wickramasinghe, N. K.*; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Shiota, Daiko*

By using an flight trajectory generation algorithm and the global effective dose rate (EDR) distribution calculated WASAVIES, the economic impacts of SEP events on aircraft operation, namely the flight path length, flight time, and fuel consumption, are estimated. The flight path length, flight time, and fuel consumption for a flight route from New York, US to Tokyo, Japan are estimated with constraints in flight routes to avoid the hazard of radiation and compared with those of the reference case without the SEP effects. Setting more flexible constraints in the flight route and generating optimal flight trajectories with minimal economic impacts by fully utilizing the global EDR distribution is the next step.



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Category:Geosciences, Multidisciplinary



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