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Report No.

Treatment of the interaction with the free surface of the component for combined subsurface flaws; Technical basis for revision of IWA-3300 and Table IWB/IWC-3510-1

Lacroix, V.*; Dulieu, P.*; Hasegawa, Kunio; Mare$v{s}$, V.*

When flaws are detected in pressure retaining components, a flaw characterization has to be carried out in order to determine unequivocally the flaw geometry. This flaw characterization is done according to rules provided in the FFS codes. The first step of the flaw characterization addresses the interaction of the flaw and the free surface. The second step of the flaw characterization addresses the interaction of the flaw with the adjacent flaws. In the ASME Code Sec. XI, there is a lack on how to treat the interaction of a combined flaw and the free surface of the component. The ASME Code Sec. XI flaw characterization is not clear. Some typical examples of unrealistic flaw assessment rules are depicted in this paper. The paper is used as technical basis for improvement of the ASME Code in order to clarify the treatment of combined flaw in the flaw characterization (IWA-3300, IWB/IWC-3510-1)



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