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Report No.

Development of ignitron alternative semiconductor switch for J-PARC accelerator

Ono, Ayato; Takayanagi, Tomohiro   ; Ueno, Tomoaki*; Horino, Koki*; Yamamoto, Kazami   ; Kinsho, Michikazu  

At J-PARC, an ignitron is used for the clover device of the klystron power supply for high-frequency acceleration of a linear accelerator. Ignitron uses mercury, which is of limited use worldwide, and is expected to be discontinued in the future. Therefore, a semiconductor switch for ignitron substitution using a MOS gate thyristor is designed. In order to be used as a crowbar device, a switch capable of resisting an operating output of 120 kV, 40 kA, 50 us is required. We have realized an oval type substrate module that achieves an operating output of 3 kV, 40 kA, 50 us per substrate. It was possible to confirm the operating performance on a 1/10 scale (12 kV, 40 kA) against the voltage of the existing equipment (120 kV, 40 kA) by connecting four oval board modules in series. The output test result will be reported.



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