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Report No.

Shape coexistence in $$^{187}$$Au studied by laser spectroscopy

Barzakh, A. E.*; Atanasov, D.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Al Monthery, M.*; Althubiti, N. A.*; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; Blaum, K.*; 34 of others*

Hyperfine-structure parameters and isotope shift of the $$9/2^{-}$$ isomeric state in $$^{187}$$Au relative to $$^{197}$$Au for the 267.6-nm atomic transition have been measured for the first time using the in-source resonance-ionization spectroscopy technique. The magnetic dipole moment and change in the mean-square charge radius for this $$9/2^{-}$$ isomer have been deduced. The observed large isomer shift relative to the $$1/2^{+}$$ ground state in $$^{187}$$Au confirms the occurrence of the shape coexistence in $$^{187}$$Au proposed earlier from the analysis of the nuclear spectroscopic data and particle plus triaxial rotor calculations. The analysis of the magnetic moment supports the previously proposed $$9/2^{-}$$, $$1/2^{-}$$[541] assignment at moderate prolate deformation for $$^{187}$$Au$$^{m}$$.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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