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Report No.

Experimental study on secondary droplets produced during liquid jet impingement onto a horizon solid surface

Zhan, Y.*; Kuwata, Yusuke*; Okawa, Tomio*; Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro ; Takata, Takashi  

Experiments were preformed to measure the mass and size of secondary droplets splashed during liquid jet impingement onto a horizontal solid surface. To explore the effects of liquid hydraulic properties, pure water, two aqueous solutions of glycerin, and two aqueous solutions of ethanol were used as the test solutions. Using the experimental data accumulated in this work, dimensionless correlation was developed for the splash ratio. Here, it was assumed that the mass of secondary droplets splashed per impact can be expressed as a function of the impact Weber number and the Ohnesorge number. The correlations for the Sauter mean diameter and the size distribution of secondary droplets were also proposed. It was shown that the size distribution of the secondary droplets can be fitted with the log-normal distribution. Two parameters determining the log-normal distribution profile were correlated by the impact Weber number.



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