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Nanoscale structural analysis of Pb(Mg$$_{1/3}$$Nb$$_{2/3}$$)O$$_3$$

Yoneda, Yasuhiro   ; Taniguchi, Hiroki*; Noguchi, Yuji*

Nanoscale structural analysis of relaxor Pb(Mg$$_{1/3}$$Nb$$_{2/3}$$)O$$_3$$ (PMN) was performed using synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction measurements. Although PMN is a well-known relaxor ferroelectric material, the average structure is a cubic structure, and various models have been proposed to explain the ferroelectric microstructure. We performed a wide-range local structure analysis up to 20 nm using the pair distribution function (PDF). As a result, it was found that the structure of PMN changed depending on the distance and it was a glass-like structure.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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