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Report No.

Decay studies of the long-lived states in $$^{186}$$Tl

Stryjczyk, M.*; Andel, B.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Cubiss, J.*; Pakarinen, J.*; 43 of others*

Decay spectroscopy of the long-lived states in $$^{186}$$Tl has been performed at ISOLDE, CERN. The $$alpha$$ decay from the low-spin (2$$^{-}$$) state in $$^{186}$$Tl was observed for the first time and a half-life was determined. Based on the $$alpha$$-decay energy, the relative positions of the long-lived states were fixed, with the (2$$^{-}$$) state as the ground state, the 7$$^{(+)}$$ state at 77(56) keV, and the 10$$^{(-)}$$ state at 451(56) keV. The level scheme of the internal decay of the $$^{186}$$Tl(10$$^{(-)}$$) state, which was known to decay solely through emission of 374-keV $$gamma$$-ray transition, was extended and a lower limit for the $$beta$$-decay branching b$$_{beta}$$ $$>$$ 5.9(3)% was determined. The extracted retardation factors for the $$gamma$$ decay of the 10$$^{(-)}$$ state were compared to the available data in neighboring odd-odd thallium isotopes indicating the importance of the $$pi$$d$$_{3/2}$$ shell in the isomeric decay and significant structure differences between $$^{184}$$Tl and $$^{186}$$Tl.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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