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Report No.

Development of hydrogen monitor; Applicability investigation of acoustic technique

Aizawa, Kosuke ; Ara, Kuniaki ; Hino, Ryutaro; Hirabayashi, Masaru*

Many functions of the instrumentation system did not work in the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in the severe condition. The function of the hydrogen concentration measurement system was lost due to power supply loss and coolant loss because the system was based on the sampling method. Therefore, the development of an on-site installation type hydrogen monitor which is not based on the sampling method and has environment resistance characteristics is required. Thus, a new type of hydrogen monitor by using acoustic technique has been developed at JAEA. The measurement principle is to detect the changing of sound velocity with the hydrogen concentration in a mixed gas. In this paper, the basic performance and influence of environmental conditions are described.



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