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Report No.

Practical tests of neutron transmission imaging with a superconducting kinetic-inductance sensor

Vu, TheDang   ; Shishido, Hiroaki*; Aizawa, Kazuya  ; Kojima, Kenji M*; Koyama, Tomio*; Oikawa, Kenichi   ; Harada, Masahide   ; Oku, Takayuki   ; Soyama, Kazuhiko  ; Miyajima, Shigeyuki*; Hidaka, Mutsuo*; Suzuki, Soh Y*; Tanaka, Manobu Y*; Malins, A.  ; Machida, Masahiko  ; Kawamata, Shuichi*; Ishida, Takekazu*

We found that the sizes of the Gd islands determined from the transmission image correlated strongly with those determined from the SEM image. We demonstrated the CB-KID could be used to identify (1) tiny voids in a thermally sprayed continuous Gd$$_2$$O$$_3$$ film in and (2) various mosaic morphologies and different eutectic microstructures in Wood's metal samples. The fact that the CB-KID system could be used to identify features of samples with a wide distribution of sizes and thicknesses is promising for real application of the device for imaging samples of interest to material scientists. Operating the CB-KID at higher temperatures appreciably improved the efficiency for simultaneously identifying the X and Y positions of hotspots. We also compared the detection efficiency with the PHITS simulations. We now plan to improve the detection efficiency by increasing the thickness of the $$^{10}$$B neutron conversion layer



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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