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Report No.

Measurement of Doppler broadening of prompt gamma-rays from various zirconium- and ferro-borons

Tsuchikawa, Yusuke ; Kai, Tetsuya   ; Abe, Yuta  ; Oishi, Yuji*; Sun, Y.*; Oikawa, Kenichi   ; Nakatani, Takeshi ; Sato, Ikken 

Peak shape analysis was performed for the energy spectra of Doppler-broadened prompt $$gamma$$-rays generated by neutron capture reactions with various boride or boron samples. Significant differences were observed between nonmetallic and metallic borides. Minor differences between the peak shapes of prompt $$gamma$$-rays from zirconium- and ferro-borons were evaluated by a peak fitting method. The identification of zirconium- and ferro-borons and other types of borides was estimated.



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