コリジョンリアクションセル搭載型誘導結合プラズマ質量分析装置による再処理工程試料中のSe, I分析法の開発, 2
Development of analytical method for selenium-79 and iodine-129 in sample from reprocessing process by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with collision reaction cell technique, 2
三枝 祐; 小高 典康; 山本 昌彦 ; 堀籠 和志 ; 稲田 聡; 久野 剛彦
Saegusa, Yu; Kodaka, Noriyasu; Yamamoto, Masahiko; Horigome, Kazushi; Inada, Satoshi; Kuno, Takehiko
Determination of iodine-129, in sample of reprocessing process has high priority to evaluate the environmental impact at treatment and disposal of radioactive solid wastes. In this study, we have been developed analytical method for iodine-129 by ICP-MS with collision reaction cell technique. Oxygen gas has been introduced into the collision reaction cell and isobaric ion, xenon-129, has been eliminated. In this presentation, optimized oxygen gas flow rate, analytical performance, and the measurement results of iodine-129 in the iodine adsorption filter collected from the liquid waste treatment facility in Tokai Reprocessing Plant are reported.