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Report No.

Design and production of the valve used in Radioactive Liquid Disposal Facility

Nishimura, Arashi; Okada, Yuji ; Sugaya, Naoto; Sonobe, Hiroshi ; Kimura, Nobuaki ; Kimura, Akihiro ; Hanawa, Yoshio; Nemoto, Hiroyoshi

In the Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR), the leakage accidents of radioactive waste liquid were occurred from the tanks and pipes of the liquid waste disposal facility in the JMTR tank-yard building in JFY2014. In order to respond to the accident, obtain the approval of the JAEA to the design and construction method from JFY2016, the tanks and pipes were replaced from JFY2016 to 2019. In the replaced, the production of the tanks and pipes of the liquid waste disposal facility applied Japanese technical standards correspondingly. On the other hand, the valve did not fall under the category of Japanese technical standards. The manufacturing specifications when replacing the valve were decided based on the including the selecting the standards of production and inspection for valves, Fluid properties, experience in JMTR. The production proceeded while carrying out the decided inspection. The valves that passed all the inspections were installed together with the tanks and pipes of the liquid waste, and the finished inspection was performed as a systems. The construction was completed with those inspection passed. This report is summarized valve Design, production and installation.



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