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Report No.

Verification of KURBUC-based ion track structure mode for proton and carbon ions in the PHITS code

Matsuya, Yusuke  ; Kai, Takeshi   ; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Liamsuwan, T.*; Sasaki, Kohei*; Nikjoo, H.*

A general-purpose Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation code, Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS), has the ability to handle diverse particle types over a wide range of energy. In PHITS version 3.20, ion track structure mode has been developed based on the algorithms in the KURBUC code, which enables to simulate the atomic interactions by primary ion and secondary particles (named as PHITS-KURBUC mode). In this study, we compared the range, radial dose distributions, and microdosimetric distributions calculated using the PHITS-KURBUC mode to the corresponding data obtained from the original KURBUC and from other studies. These comparative studies confirm the successful inclusion of the KURBUC code in the PHITS code. As results of the synergistic effect between the macroscopic and microscopic radiation transport codes, this implementation enabled the detailed calculation of the microdosimetric and nanodosimetric quantities under complex radiation fields, such as proton beam therapy with the spread-out Bragg peak. This PHITS-KURBUC mode is expected to pave the way for next-generation radiation researches, such as radiation physics, radiological protection, medical physics, and radiation biology.



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Category:Engineering, Biomedical



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