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 年 ~ 


Proton beam control technology for high-intensity pulsed neutron production

明午 伸一郎   ; 大井 元貴 ; 藤森 寛*; 坂元 眞一*

Meigo, Shinichiro; Oi, Motoki; Fujimori, Hiroshi*; Sakamoto, Shinichi*


Since the damage of the neutron target depends on the beam current density, the beam current density on the target is required to be minimized for the stable operation. Using linear optics, the current density can be reduced by expanding the beamwidth, forbidden by the increase of heat at the vicinities. Because the beam shape cannot be changed from Gaussian by linear optics, a new technique changing the beam shape was required. The beam can be shaped flatly by nonlinear optics using an octupole magnet having a cubic magnetic field. It was known that the beam loss arose by the nonlinear optics. Therefore, a detailed technique is required. Solving the transport calculation exactly, we found that the beam shape can be specified by only two parameters and the optimum parameter to achieve both the flat distribution and the minimized beam loss. From this result, we succeeded in reducing the current density on the target by about 30% compared to the previous case without significant beam loss.



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