Current status of the neutron single crystal diffractometer SENJU at MLF/J-PARC
Kiyanagi, Ryoji ; Ohara, Takashi ; Nakao, Akiko*; Munakata, Koji*; Ishikawa, Yoshihisa*; Moriyama, Kentaro*; Nakamura, Tatsuya ; Kaneko, Koji ; Tamura, Itaru
SENJU is a single crystal diffractometer installed at BL18 in MLF in J-PARC, targeting a inorganic materials and small molecular materials as well as magnetic structure analyses. Owning to the high intensity white neutron provided at MLF and many 2-dimentional detectors covering a wide scattering angle, SENJU is able to measure a wide Q-space very efficiently and has conducted many user experiments and proceeded developments of the instrument. 37 detectors surround the sample position of SENJU enabling it to efficiently measure many directions in the reciprocal space, though still there are regions in the reciprocal space which can not be measured. In order to fill the gaps, a new thin type detectors have been installed at SENJU, which realized wider coverage of the scattering angle by 10% and more efficient measurements. The data analysis software, STARGazer, has been upgraded in order for users to access and analyze data after the experiment, without setting up their PCs specifically for the software. The data is stored in the cloud and the software was modified into a web-app. Users, thus can access the data through the internet and analyze the data on their preferred web-browsers. In addition, for the improvement of the measurement efficiency, a multi-crystal measurement, where multiple crystals are simultaneously measured, has been tested and a 3-dimensional total scattering analysis has been also examined.