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Electronic structure of the intermediate-valence compound EuNi$$_2$$P$$_2$$ studied by soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy

Kawasaki, Ikuto  ; Kobata, Masaaki  ; Fujimori, Shinichi   ; Takeda, Yukiharu   ; Yamagami, Hiroshi; Hedo, Masato*; Nakama, Takao*; Onuki, Yoshichika*

We carried out angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments using soft X rays to investigate the electronic structure of the intermediate valence compound EuNi$$_2$$P$$_2$$. Both the Eu$$^{2+}$$ and Eu$$^{3+}$$ components arising from the 4$$f^6$$ and 4$$f^5$$ final states were observed in the valence spectra, directly confirming an intermediate character of Eu ions. The three-dimensional band structure was studied by ARPES measurements, and we found that the ARPES spectra up to just below the Fermi level can well be explained by a calculation based on the density-functional theory for the non-4$$f$$ reference compound SrNi$$_2$$P$$_2$$. The heavy-fermion bands in EuNi$$_2$$P$$_2$$ are thus considered to be formed through the hybridization between the dispersive valence bands, which resemble those for SrNi$$_2$$P$$_2$$, and the Eu$$^{2+}$$ components located at the very vicinity of the Fermi level.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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