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Report No.

Guideline on seismic fragility evaluation for aged piping (Contract research)

Yamaguchi, Yoshihito ; Katsuyama, Jinya  ; Masaki, Koichi*; Li, Y. 

The seismic probabilistic risk assessment (seismic PRA) is an important methodology to evaluate the seismic safety of nuclear power plants. Regarding seismic fragility evaluations performed in the seismic PRA, the Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics (PFM) can be applied as a useful evaluation technique for aged piping with crack or wall thinning due to the age-related degradation. Here, to advance seismic PRA methodology for the long-term operated nuclear power plants, a guideline for the fragility evaluation on the typical aged piping of nuclear power plants has been developed taking the aged-related degradation into account.



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