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Report No.

Laser-assisted decay spectroscopy and mass spectrometry of $$^{178}$$Au

Cubiss, J. G.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Barzakh, A. E.*; Manea, V.*; Al Monthery, M.*; Althubiti, N. A.*; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; 39 of others*

A comprehensive study of the isotope $$^{178}$$Au has been made at the CERN-ISOLDE facility, using resonance laser ionization. Two long-lived states in $$^{178}$$Au were identified - a low-spin ground state and a high-spin isomer - each of which were produced as pure beams. Using the ISOLTRAP precision Penning trap, the excitation energy of the isomeric state in $$^{178}$$Au was determined to be $$E^{*} = $$ 189(14) keV. The $$alpha$$-decay fine structure patterns of the two states were studied using the Windmill decay station, providing information on the low-lying states in the daughter nucleus $$^{174}$$Ir. Nuclear spin assignments of $$I(^{178}$$Au$$^{g}) = (2,3)$$ and $$I(^{178}$$Au$$^{m}) = (7,8)$$ are made based on the observed $$beta$$-decay feeding and hyperfine structure intensity patterns.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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