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Report No.

Granulation characteristics confirmation test of additive-free dry granulation technology for fast reactor fuel fabrication

Segawa, Tomoomi ; Kawaguchi, Koichi  ; Ishii, Katsunori ; Nishina, Masahiro; Makino, Takayoshi ; Natori, Yuri*; Ikemoto, Norihiro*; Yonehara, Kazuo*; Tatenuma, Katsuyoshi*

Japan Atomic Energy Agency has researched and developed a simplified MOX pellet fabrication process. the flowability of MOX powder is improved by a tumbling granulation method using water as a binder. However, in this granulation method, improvement of the production capacity under criticality control for wet nuclear material is an issue. In recent years, an additive-free dry granulation technology has proposed as a novel granulation method for producing tritium breeding Li$$_{2}$$O spheres for nuclear fusion reactor. In this study, to confirm the applicability of this method to the MOX fuel fabrication process, CeO$$_{2}$$ powder was used as a simulated material of MOX powder as a basic test for mechanization, and the influence of mechanical external force on granulation was confirmed and evaluated. As a result of the test, good granulation property was obtained by applying a mechanical external force of vertical vibration, and it was possible to obtain the prospect of mechanization of the dry granulation process.



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