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Report No.

A BWR control blade degradation observed in situ during a CLADS-MADE-02 test under Fukushima Dai-Ichi Unit 3 postulated conditions

Pshenichnikov, A. ; Kurata, Masaki ; Nagae, Yuji 

The paper summarizes the results of the control blade degradation test CLADS-MADE-02 performed in JAEA. The test focused at the beginning phase of the accident at Fukushima Dai-Ichi (1F) Unit 3. The investigation provided important data, especially on the temperature history, exhaust gas measurement and in situ video of metallic debris formation and relocation to the colder elevations under the test scenario, which reproduced oxidizing conditions during the initial phase of the 1F Unit 3 reactor heat-up. Based on the test results, some decommissioning related conclusions concerning the formation of new B-rich phases containing Cr and Fe were made.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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