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Report No.

Application of nuclear photonics for nuclear non-proliferation and security

Koizumi, Mitsuo ; Lee, J. ; Ito, Fumiaki*; Takahashi, Tone; Suzuki, Satoshi*; Omer, M.*  ; Seya, Michio*; Hajima, Ryoichi; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Yogo, Akifumi*; Arikawa, Yasunobu*; Abe, Yuki*; Nishimura, Hiroaki*; Nakai, Mitsuo*; Hashimoto, Satoshi*; Amano, Sho*; Miyamoto, Shuji*

Along with the global increase of use of nuclear materials (NMs), growing requirements are development for new effective characterization methods for nuclear material accountancy and technologies to cope with the threat of nuclear terrorism. Non-destructive Assay (NDA) methods are an efficient, quick, and remote way to detect and quantify nuclear materials (NMs). Passive NDA techniques, which are based on radiation measurement, are conventionally used in accountancy for quantification of NMs and in security for detection and identification of NMs. However, they could not be applied to an object with strong radioactivity or in shielding materials. Active NDA techniques are, therefore, considered to be a breakthrough technique to measure such NMs samples by utilizing interrogation particles (such as photons and neutrons). Induced signals by the incident particles (for example, transmitted neutrons) are measured to deduce sample properties. This report overviews two research programs that utilize nuclear photonics technologies for nuclear non-proliferation and security. The research programs carried out by JAEA under collaborations are supported by MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Japanese government) under the subsidy for "promotion of strengthening nuclear security and the like".



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