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Report No.

Correlation of anomalous Hall effect with structural parameters and magnetic ordering in Mn$$_{3+x}$$Sn$$_{1-x}$$ thin films

Yoon, J.-Y.*; Takeuchi, Yutaro*; DuttaGupta, S.*; Yamane, Yuta*; Kanai, Shun*; Ieda, Junichi   ; Ohno, Hideo*; Fukami, Shunsuke*

We investigate the relationship between structural parameters, magnetic ordering, and the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) of Mn$$_{3+x}$$Sn$$_{1-x}$$ ($$-0.42 le x le +0.23$$) thin films annealed at various temperature $$T_a$$. The crystal structure changes with $$x$$ and $$T_a$$ and at $$T_a ge 500$$ $$^circ$$C near the stoichiometric composition ($$-0.08 le x le +0.04$$) epitaxial single-phase $$D$$0$$_{19}$$-Mn$$_{3+x}$$Sn$$_{1-x}$$($$10bar{1}0$$) is obtained. At room temperature, a larger AHE is obtained when the single-phase epitaxial Mn$$_3$$Sn with the lattice constant closer to that of bulk is formed. The temperature dependence of the AHE shows different behaviors depending on $$T_a$$ and can be explained by considering the variation of magnetic ordering. A close inspection into the temperature and composition dependence suggests a variation of magnetic phase transition temperature with composition and/or a possible correlation between the AHE and Fermi level position with respect to the Weyl points. Our comprehensive study would provide the basis for utilizing the unique functionalities of non-collinear antiferromagnetic materials.



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Category:Nanoscience & Nanotechnology



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