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Report No.

High-field depinned phase and planar Hall effect in the skyrmion host Gd$$_2$$PdSi$$_3$$

Hirschberger, M.*; Nakajima, Taro*; Kriener, M.*; Kurumaji, Takashi*; Spitz, L.*; Gao, S.*; Kikkawa, Akiko*; Yamasaki, Yuichi*; Sagayama, Hajime*; Nakao, Hironori*; Kawamura, Seiko   ; Taguchi, Yasujiro*; Arima, Takahisa*; Tokura, Yoshinori*

For the skyrmion-hosting intermetallic Gd$$_2$$PdSi$$_3$$ with centrosymmetric hexagonal lattice and triangular net of rare earth sites, we report a thorough investigation of the magnetic phase diagram. Our work reveals a magnetic phase with an isotropic value of the critical field for all orientations, where the magnetic ordering vector ${bf q}$ is depinned from its preferred directions in the basal plane. The bulk nature of the skyrmion lattice and of other magnetic phases was evidenced by specific-heat measurements. Resistivity anisotropy, likely originating from partial gapping of the density of states along ${bf q}$ in this Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida magnet, is picked up via the planar Hall effect (PHE). The PHE confirms the single-${bf q}$ nature of the magnetic order when the field is in the hexagonal plane, and allows one to detect the preferred directions of ${bf q}$. Several scenarios for the depinned phase are discussed on the basis of the data.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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