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Flux growth and magnetic properties of helimagnetic hexagonal ferrite Ba(Fe$$_{1-x}$$Sc$$_{x}$$)$$_{12}$$O$$_{19}$$ single crystals

Utsumi, Shigenori*; Tanaka, Seiya*; Maruyama, Kenichi*; Amako, Yasushi*; Kiyanagi, Ryoji  ; Nakao, Akiko*; Moriyama, Kentaro*; Ishikawa, Yoshihisa*; 9 of others*

Fabricating large, high-crystalline-quality single-crystal samples of hexagonal ferrite Ba(Fe$$_{1-x}$$Sc$$_{x}$$)$$_{12}$$O$$_{19}$$ is the first important step to elucidating its helimagnetic structure and developing it for further applications. In this study, single crystals of Ba(Fe$$_{1-x}$$Sc$$_{x}$$)$$_{12}$$O$$_{19}$$ of various Sc concentrations $$x$$ were successfully grown by the spontaneous crystallization method using Na$$_{2}$$O-Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ flux. X-ray diffraction and elemental analysis revealed that the obtained crystals were composed of single-phase Ba(Fe$$_{1-x}$$Sc$$_{x}$$)$$_{12}$$O$$_{19}$$ of high crystalline quality. The temperature dependence of magnetization and the magnetization curves at 77 K of the $$x$$ = 0.128 crystal exhibited behavior characteristics of helimagnetism. Neutron diffraction measurements of the $$x$$ = 0.128 crystal exhibited magnetic satellite reflection peaks below 211K, proving evidence that Ba(Fe$$_{1-x}$$Sc$$_{x}$$)$$_{12}$$O$$_{19}$$ behaves as a helimagnetic material.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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