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Destabilization of ferromagnetism by frustration and realization of a nonmagnetic Mott transition in the quarter-filled two-orbital Hubbard model


久保 勝規 

Kubo, Katsunori

The two-orbital Hubbard model on a square lattice at quarter filling (electron number per site $$n$$ = 1) is investigated by the variational Monte Carlo method. For the variational wave function, we include short-range doublon-holon binding factors. We find that the energy of this wave function is lower than that of the density-density Jastrow wave function partially including long-range correlations used in a previous study. We introduce frustration to the model by the next-nearest-neighbor hopping $$t'$$ in addition to the nearest-neighbor hopping $$t$$. For $$t'=0$$, a ferromagnetic state with staggered orbital order occurs by increasing the Coulomb interaction $$U$$ before the Mott transition takes place. By increasing $$t'$$, the region of this ferromagnetic phase shrinks, and the Mott transition without magnetic order occurs.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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