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Report No.

Mass spectrum and strong decays of tetraquark $$bar c bar s qq$$ states

Wang, G.-J.*; Meng, L.*; Xiao, L.-Y.*; Oka, Makoto   ; Zhu, S.-L.*

The mass spectrum and strong decays of the S-wave $$bar c bar s qq$$ states are studied in the compact tetraquark scenario with the quark model. The model consists of the Coulomb, the linear confinement, and the hyperfine interactions. We calculate their decay amplitudes into the $$D^{-(*)}K^{(*)}$$ channels using the quark interchange method. The mass and decay width of the $$I(J^P)=1(0^+)$$ state are $$M = 2941$$ MeV and $$Gamma_X=26.6$$ MeV, respectively, which indicates that it might be a good candidate for the recently observed $$X^0(2900)$$ state. We also obtain an isospin partner state $$I(J^P)= 0(0^+)$$ with $$M =2649$$ MeV and $$Gamma_{Xto D^- K}= 48.1$$ MeV, respectively. Future experimental search for $$X(2649)$$ will be very helpful.



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Category:Physics, Particles & Fields



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