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Report No.

Fuel Unloading Operations -2019- in the decommissioning of prototype fast breeder reactor "Monju"

Yabe, Takanori; Murakami, Makio; Shiota, Yuki; Isobe, Yuta; Shiohama, Yasutaka; Hamano, Tomoharu; Takagi, Tsuyohiko ; Nagaoki, Yoshihiro 

In the first stage of "Monju" decommissioning project, "Fuel Unloading Operations" have been carrying out. The operations consists of two processes. The first process is "Fuel Treatment and Storage" is that the fuel assemblies unloaded from the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank are canned after sodium cleaning, and then transferred to the storage pool. The second process is "Fuel Unloading" that the fuel assemblies in the reactor core are replaced with dummy fuel assemblies and stored in the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank. "Fuel Treatment and Storage" and "Fuel Unloading" are performed alternately until 370 fuel assemblies in the core and 160 fuel assemblies in the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank are all transferred to the storage pool. In fiscal 2018, as "Fuel Treatment and Storage", 86 fuel assemblies were transferred to the storage pool. As "Fuel Unloading", 76 dummy fuel assemblies were stored in the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank. In fiscal 2019, as "Fuel Unloading", 60 fuel assemblies and 40 blanket fuel assemblies were unloaded from the core. These assemblies were stored in the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank, and dummy fuel assemblies were loaded into the core instead. During these operations, a total of 38 cases of alarming or equipment malfunctions classified into 24 types occurred. However, no significant events that menaces to safety have occurred. The operations were continued safely by removing the direct factors for the malfunctions in the equipment operation and performance.



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