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Report No.

Solvent extraction of cesium using DtBuDB18C6 into various organic solvents

Sasaki, Yuji  ; Morita, Keisuke ; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  ; Ito, Keisuke*; Yoshizuka, Kazuharu*

High concentration of Cs is present in high-level radioactive waste. It is well-known that Cs is an alkali element and difficult to extract completely into an organic phase. Crown ether compounds are widely available for Cs extractants; DtBuDB18C6 (di-$$t$$-butyl-dibenzo-18crown6), was used in this study. Organic solvents used for the industrial applications, such as $$n$$-dodecane and 1-octanol, have low solubility concerning the compound; other solvents were employed and tested. In this study, ketone-, ether-, and ester-type solvents showed high solubility for DtBuDB18C6 and DtBuDB18C6, when dissolved in ketones and alcohols, exhibited relatively high Cs distribution ratios ($$D$$(Cs)), closely to 10.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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