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Report No.

Analysis of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 pressure data and obtained insights on accident progression behavior

Sato, Ikken 

The D/W (Drywell) and S/C (Suppression Chamber) pressure data of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 was analyzed in depth. This analysis provided valuable information related to the accident progression behavior on one hand, and gave a hint for understanding of the debris-to-coolant heat transfer when fuel debris relocated to the pedestal on the other hand. In this unit, the D/W and S/C pressure increased and decreased cyclically with a relationship, which seems to have been dependent on the composition of vapor and non-condensable gases in the S/C cover gas region. Based on this characteristic, the vapor pressure in the S/C cover gas region was evaluated for two pressure decrease cycles during and after the expected debris relocation to the pedestal respectively. This evaluation allowed an understanding that the S/C vapor pressure increased due to the heat transfer from the debris relocated to the pedestal.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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