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Report No.

Role of higher-order effects in spin-misalignment small-angle neutron scattering of high-pressure torsion nickel

Oba, Yojiro  ; Bersweiler, M.*; Titov, I.*; Adachi, Nozomu*; Todaka, Yoshikazu*; Gilbert, E. P.*; Steinke, N.-J.*; Metlov, K. L.*; Michels, A.*

We found that nanosized spin misalignments in pure nickel processed via high-pressure torsion straining persist up to the magnetic field 4 T using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). The spin-misalignment scattering patterns are elongated perpendicular to the applied magnetic field and different from the conventional micromagnetic SANS theory based on the second order contribution in spin misalignment amplitude. This means that the high-pressure torsion straining makes higher-order effects in the micromagnetic SANS cross sections observable. This results will fuel the further development of the micromagnetic SANS theory.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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