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 年 ~ 


Multiplicity of radiation doses according to purposes and their definitions

高橋 史明  

Takahashi, Fumiaki


ICRU (International Commission on Radiation Unit Measurement) and ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) define various radiation doses to achieve the purpose of radiation protection. The definitions of these radiation doses have been changed to reflect the latest knowledge and to correspond to expansions of radiation utilization. In 2020, ICRU and ICRP have just announced the change of the operational quantities that are utilized in radiation monitoring for external exposures. From these backgrounds, a research conference will be held to recognize the system of "quantity" concerning radiations and to share the latest trends and issues to be addressed in the field of radiological protection. In this presentation, definitions of the radiation doses given by ICRU and ICRP are reviewed and explained how they are applied in the implementation of radiation protection. In addition, issues and points to keep in mind are introduced for incorporating the ICRP 2007 Recommendation into radiation standards in Japan.



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