Development of coupled mass-transport and chemical-reaction calculation code for alteration of engineered barrier
笹川 剛
; 向井 雅之
; 澤口 拓磨 
Sasagawa, Tsuyoshi; Mukai, Masayuki; Sawaguchi, Takuma
Reducing public dose is required when radioactive wastes such as high-level and from reactor core internals etc. are disposed of by means of multi barrier system consist of engineered and natural barriers. In these barriers, engineered barrier is expected to bring out confinement function of waste's radionuclides in the barrier. Materials used as the engineered barriers are altered and performances of the barrier materials are degraded in course of time. To estimate properly the degraded performances, analytical evaluation of long-term change of the engineered barrier state is important. Change state of the engineered barrier is given by mass-transport and geochemical-reaction inside the barrier materials and these phenomena are interrelated, it is necessary to calculate the state by means of coupled analysis procedure. We have developed a coupled mass-transport and geochemical-reaction calculation code (MC- BUFFER) to evaluate alteration of engineered barrier specially targeted for water permeability of bentonite buffer material as one of most important performances to engineered barrier. This report describes functions expected for the engineered barrier, influence parameters for the functions, implementation models in MC-BUFFER, structure and functions of MC-BUFFER, input file format and output examples, execution method of MC-BUFFER, and sample run with MC-BUFFER.