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Report No.

Bias effects on g- and s-factors in Westcott convention

Harada, Hideo   

For accuracy improvement of neutron activation analysis and neutron capture cross section, bias effects are investigated on g- and s-factors in the Westcott convention. As origins of biases, a joining function shape, neutron temperature and sample temperature, have been investigated. Biases are quantitatively deduced for two 1/v isotopes ($$^{197}$$Au, $$^{59}$$Co) and six non-1/v isotopes ($$^{241}$$Am, $$^{151}$$Eu, $$^{103}$$Rh, $$^{115}$$In, $$^{177}$$Hf, $$^{226}$$Ra). The s-factor calculated with a joining function deduced recently by a detailed Monte Carlo simulation is compared to s-factors calculated with traditional joining functions by Westcott. The results show the bias induced by sample temperature is small as the order of 0.1% for g-factor and the order of 1% for s-factor. On the other hand, biases induced by a joining function shape for s-factor depend significantly on both isotopes and neutron temperature. As the result, reaction rates are also affected significantly as well. The bias size on reaction rate is given in the case of epithermal neutron index r = 0.1, for the eight isotopes.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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