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Report No.

Evaluation of internal strain distribution of dissimilar laser welding using high energy X-rays

Shobu, Takahisa  ; Shiro, Ayumi*; Muramatsu, Toshiharu*

Laser welding has already been put into practical use for various metal materials because the irradiation area is very small and the control is easy. In this study, we evaluated strain, stress, deformation, etc. near the processing affected area by high-energy synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction method, which is one of the problems of laser welding of different materials that are expected to be put into practical use. As a result of internal deformation measurement of the bonding of dissimilar materials of copper and iron, it was confirmed that the copper side with a high coefficient of linear expansion was hardly deformed, strong tensile strain on the iron side, and a plastic deformation region on the heat-affected zone. In addition, a retained austenite phase, which is thought to be caused by the mixture of copper, was observed in the plastic deformation region of iron, and further problems were clarified in the evaluation of material strength in the mixed metallic materials.



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