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Report No.

Prediction of stability constants for novel chelates design in minor actinides partitioning over lanthanides using density functional theory calculation

Kaneko, Masashi   ; Sasaki, Yuji  ; Wada, Eriko*; Nakase, Masahiko*; Takeshita, Kenji*

Density functional theory calculation is applied to predict the stability constants for Eu$$^{3+}$$ and Am$$^{3+}$$ complexes in aqueous solution for molecular modelling of novel separation agents for minor actinides over lanthanides. Logarithm of experimental stability constants correlates with calculated complex formation enthalpies with high reproducibility (R$$^{2}$$ $$>$$ 0.98). Prediction of stability constants of novel chelates is demonstrated and indicates a potential availability of the derivatives of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid type chelate in acidic condition and enhancement of Am$$^{3+}$$ selectivity over Eu$$^{3+}$$.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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