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Report No.

The Effects of hydrogen addition on the corrosive conditions of PWR primary coolant under irradiation, 4; Direct and indirect effects of pH on ECP of stainless steel in the primary cooling water

Uchida, Shunsuke; Hata, Kuniki ; Hanawa, Satoshi ; Chimi, Yasuhiro

The direct effects of hydrogen concentrations on the ECP were discussed in the previous presentation (the series #2). The parameters to determine ECP, e.g., pH and dose rate as well as hydrogen concentration, were different between in PWRs and BWRs. In the presentation, the direct and indirect effects of pH on ECP due to water radiolysis, surface properties and metallic ion solubilities are discussed. It was concluded that the corrosive conditions in the wide pH range which covered both PWR primary cooling water and BWR cooling water could be evaluated with a set of analysis codes for water radiolysis and ECP with applying the pH-dependent reaction constants.



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