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Microscopic theory of electrically induced spin torques in magnetic Weyl semimetals

Kurebayashi, Daichi*; Araki, Yasufumi   ; Nomura, Kentaro*

We theoretically study current- and charge-induced spin torque in magnetic Weyl semimetals. In magnetic Weyl semimetals (WSM), topologically nontrivial band structure mediates anomalous coupling between magnetization and transport, making WSMs preferable for spintronics systems. In this paper, we determine all current-induced spin torques including spin-orbit torque and spin-transfer torque, up to first order with respect to spatial and temporal derivatives and electrical currents. We also calculate the charge-induced spin torque microscopically. We find the charge-induced spin torque originates from the chiral anomaly due to the correspondence between spin operators and axial current operators in our model.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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