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Progress report on Nuclear Safety Research Center (JFY 2020)

Nuclear Safety Research Center, Sector of Nuclear Safety Research and Emergency Preparedness

Nuclear Safety Research Center (NSRC), Sector of Nuclear Safety Research and Emergency Preparedness, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) provides technical supports for the nuclear regulatory bodies by conducting safety researches based on the Mid-Long Term Target approved by the Japanese government. This report summarizes the organization of NSRC and the cooperative research activities with domestic and international organizations as well as the nuclear safety research activities and results in JFY 2020 on the nine research fields in NSRC; (1) severe accident, (2) radiation risk, (3) nuclear fuels in light water reactors (LWRs), (4) thermohydraulic behavior in LWRs, (5) materials degradation and structural integrity, (6) nuclear fuel cycle facilities, (7) criticality management, (8) nuclear safeguards, and (9) radioactive waste management. Also summarized are the two cross-organizational activities; (1) research for facilitating application of risk information and (2) analysis of regulatory and international information, which support the nine research activities.



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